Sunday, December 27, 2009

Merry Christmas 2009, a few days late...

Merry Christmas everyone! Hold on! I have to go help Aaron with one of his Lego sets... OK, I'm back about one hour later. I get distracted so easy. I came down here to help Aaron with his Lego pirate ship, which I did, then I took out a load of laundry out of the dryer, then I decided to clean out the extra water out of the washer which is pretty easy to do, unfortunately I didn't put the cap back on correctly and water leaked out everywhere. Luckily, I caught my error within seconds so the clean up wasn't too bad. Now, I briefly look into the freezer to see what I can make for dinner, but I don't see anything that looks very interesting or appetizing. Now, I decide to fold some laundry. Over an hour later, and I finally am back here, but I seriously am thinking about what to make for dinner. Hmmm...

I finally fixed some dinner, Cordon Bleu and BBQ chips. Thanks for the suggestion Aaron.

Well, I wanted to write about this last week, but I was really busy with last minute Christmas gifts and parties, etc. I definitely have a middle schooler, now. I have been waiting for Aaron to tell me that I was embarrassing him or something like that, but I didn't know when. At the school PTA meeting on December 15th, Aaron got recognition for his photograph of our cat Audrey that he entered into a contest at school and won 2nd place. We are so proud of him!! Anyway, I went to take a picture of Aaron after he received his certificate and the whole auditorium was watching and he said, "Mom, stop, your embarrassing me". I almost doubled over with laughter, from his comment. The next morning, he forgot to get $3.00 to turn in for his "holiday" party, so I took it to him at the bus stop. He took the money and said, ok, you can go now before people start to talk. I was laughing all the way back to the house. I was thinking, what people are going to talk? The other tweens out there...LOL!! Anyway, that is my news, Tim and I officially have a middle school tween!! It makes me laugh just thinking about it.

As soon as the school returns the photo, I will post a picture of it.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Apologies for not updating this sooner...

I guess I could have updated this so much sooner, but I just found other things to do and was just being lazy I guess. Well, that's all about to change...Tim is being deployed to Afghanistan. We haven't told anybody in the family yet, but no one reads this so it's pretty safe to say on here. I'm not sure if Tim will tell his parents today or wait until after the holidays. This is a pretty serious assignment. He is going to be the guy who is in charge of getting together the training of the guys training the Afghan soldiers to run their country. He is going to be frocked as a LtCol. He actually will be getting paid to be a LtCol in February or March, but he will most likely have to leave before he is getting paid for it, but the new assignment requires a LtCol. It's only supposed to be for 6 months, but that may change. I know that it's part of his job and I have always accepted that, but I worry about Aaron. He has already told me he is going to miss his dad a lot. I ask for prayers for us all, but especially Tim and Aaron.

I will try to be more diligent about updating this blog, especially since there are some very important milestones that I have neglected to share with my couple of readers! Like Aaron getting his first quarter report card of 4 A's and 2 B's. The 2 B's were 90 and above, but this school goes by a 6 1/2 point grading system, which of course I hate, but it's not my choice. Anyway, Aaron is doing outstanding in school. He also got 2nd place in a photography contest at school. He did an awesome job!! Tim and I are very proud of him.